2013 Jedi Legacy

Box: 24 packs of 8 cards. 12 boxes/case.
Common sets (90): approx. 1.56 per box if collation were perfect.
Title Back Title / Film
Anakin Skywalker
1A Clandestine Birth Born into Slavery
2A Fatherless as a Child Never Knew Who His Father Was
3A Tatooine Anakin Sought a Better Life
4A Isolation in Youth A Boy Alone
5A Befriending a Droid Met and Befriended R2
6A Death of a Guardian Death of Shmi
7A Technical Ability Builds Podracer and C-3PO
8A Daredevil Abilities Competes in the Boonta Eve Classic
9A Fantastic Adventure Leaves Tatooine to Become a Jedi Knight
10A Introduction to Royalty Meets Queen Amidala
11A A Royal Rescue Thwarts Assassination Attempt on Amidala
12A Death of a Mentor Death of Qui-Gon Jinn
13A Late Jedi Training Guidance of Obi-Wan
14A Act of Extreme Bravery Destroys Droid Control Ship
15A Celebration of Heroism Naboo Ceremony
16A Pilot Squad Leader Clone Pilot Squads
17A Clever Thinking in the Heart of Battle Instructs Clone Pilots to Shoot Fuel Cell
18A Too Old to Train Jedi Council Dismisses His Training
19A Truncated Trial Appointed to the Jedi Council Very Early
20A Fear of Potential Obi-Wan Tries to Pace Anakin’s Training
21A Temptation of the Dark Side Attacks Tusken Raider Camp
22A A Dark Premonition Sisions on Mortis
23A A Life-Changing Disregard of Advisement Leaves Tatooine for Geonosis
24A To the Distress of Dear Friends Goes to Geonosis
25A Trial by Fett Captured by Jango Fett
26A Springing the Trap Trapped by Grievous
27A In the Lair of Scum and Villainy Searches the Coruscant Bar
28A Challenge of a Fallen Jedi Duels Count Dooku
29A Loss of a Powerful Dark Opponent Defeated by Count Dooku
30A Dismemberment Dismembered by Dooku
31A Mechanical Limb Mechanical Arm
32A A Daring Rescue Rescues Chancellor Palpatine
33A A Difficult Truth Learns His Mentor Is a Sith Lord
34A The Jabba Factor Jabba Is an Ally
35A Wrath of a Great Beast Battles the Reek
36A Proposition of Palpatine Palpatine Tries to Convert
37A A Civil Confrontation Turns Luke Over to the Emperor
38A Fear for a Loved One Fears for His Wife, Padm
39A The Moment of Truth Follows Palpatine to the Dark Side
40A A Galaxy at War Fights to Preserve the Republic/Empire
41A Battle through Blood Battles His Son
42A Dark Urging of the Emperor Attacks Mace Windu
43A Moment of Clarity Saves His Son from the Wrath of the Emperor
44A Together We Conquer With His Son, He Destroys Palpatine
45A Balance Is Achieved He Brings Balance to the Force
Luke Skywalker
1L Clandestine Birth Born on Polis Massa
2L Fatherless as a Child Didn’t Know the Truth about His Father
3L Tatooine Luke Sought Adventure
4L Isolation in Youth Lived out away from Civilization
5L Befriending a Droid Met and Befriended R2
6L Death of a Guardian Death of Owen and Beru Lars
7L Technical Ability Mods His T-16 and Fixes Farm Equipment
8L Daredevil Abilities Threads the Stone Needle in Beggar’s Canyon
9L Fantastic Adventure Leaves Tatooine for Alderaan
10L Introduction to Royalty Meets Princess Leia Organa
11L A Royal Rescue Rescues Princess Leia on the Death Star
12L Death of a Mentor Death of Obi-Wan Kenobi
13L Late Jedi Training Trains with Yoda
14L Act of Extreme Bravery Destroys Death Star
15L Celebration of Heroism Yavin Ceremony
16L Pilot Squad Leader Establishes ahnd Leads Rogue Squadron
17L Clever Thinking in the Heart of Battle Destroys AT-AT- Using Grenade
18L Too Old to Train Yoda Trains on the Heeding of Obi-Wan
19L Truncated Trial Reaches Jedi Status Very Quickly
20L Fear of Potential Uncle Owen Keeps Luke on Tatooine
21L Temptation of the Dark Side Brings Weapons into Cave
22L A Dark Premonition The Cave
23L A Life-Changing Disregard of Advisement Leaves Dagobah
24L To the Distress of Dear Friends Heads to Bespin
25L Trial by Fett Attacked by Boba Fett
26L Springing the Trap Trapped by Darth Vader
27L In the Lair of Scum and Villainy Luke Enters the Mos Eisley Cantina
28L Challenge of a Fallen Jedi Duels Darth Vader
29L Loss of a Powerful Dark Opponent Defeated by Darth Vader
30L Dismemberment Dismembered by Vader
31L Mechanical Limb Mechanical Hand
32L A Daring Rescue Rescues Han Solo
33L A Difficult Truth Learns Darth Vader Is His Father
34L The Jabba Factor Jabba Is an Enemy
35L Wrath of a Great Beast Battles the Rancor
36L Proposition of Palpatine Palpatine Tries to Convert
37L A Civil Confrontation Surrenders to Darth Vader
38L Fear for a Loved One Fears for His Sister Leia
39L The Moment of Truth Rejects the Emperor
40L A Galaxy at War Fights to Overthrow the Empire
41L Battle through Blood Battles His Father
42L Dark Urging of the Emperor Embraces Anger to Defeat Darth Vader
43L Moment of Clarity Keeps Himself from Destroying Vader
44L Together We Conquer With His Father, He Destroys Palpatine
45L Balance Is Achieved Helps Bring Balance to the Force
Connections Cards (1:2 packs)
C-1 Obi-Wan Kenobi
C-2 Yoda
C-3 Owen Lars
C-4 R2-D2
C-5 C-3PO
C-6 Emperor Palpatine
C-7 Princess Leia Organa
C-8 Boba Fett
C-9 Padmé Amidala
C-10 The Force
C-11 Anakin’s Lightsaber
C-12 Death Star
C-13 Tatooine
C-14 Tusken Raiders
C-15 Jabba The Hutt
Influences Cards (1:2 packs)
I-1 Qui-Gon Jinn
I-2 Shmi Skywalker
I-3 Mace Windu
I-4 Ahsoka Tano
I-5 Watto
I-6 Jar Jar Binks
I-7 Grand Moff Tarkin
I-8 Luke Skywalker
I-9 Count Dooku
I-10 Biggs Darklighter
I-11 Han Solo
I-12 Wedge Antilles
I-13 Beru Lars
I-14 Lando Calrissian
I-15 Chewbacca
I-16 Tosche Station
I-17 Anakin Skywalker
I-18 Dagobah
The Circle Is Now Complete Die-Cut Cards (1:12 packs)
CC-1 Luke Skywalker – Duel on the Death Star
CC-2 Luke Skywalker – Battle of Yavin
CC-3 Luke Skywalker – Duel on Bespin
CC-4 Luke Skywalker – Surrender on Endor
CC-5 Luke Skywalker – Final Duel
CC-6 Luke Skywalker – Reconciliation
CC-7 Darth Vader – Duel on the Death Star
CC-8 Darth Vader – Battle of Yavin
CC-9 Darth Vader – Duel on Bespin
CC-10 Darth Vader – Surrender on Endor
CC-11 Darth Vader – Final Duel
CC-12 Darth Vader – Reconciliation
The Focus Is With You Autograph Cards (1:72 packs)
— Alan Harris as Bossk
— Amy Allen as Aayla Secura
— Anthony Daniels as C-3PO
— Anthony Forrest as Sandtrooper
— Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian
— Bonnie Piesse as Beru Whitesun
— Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Organa
— Garrick Hagon as Biggs Darklighter
— Harrison Ford as Han Solo
— Ian McDiarmid as Chancellor Palpatine
— James Earl Jones as Darth Vader
— Jeremy Bulloch as Boba Fett
— John Morton as Dak Ralter
— Kenneth Colley as Captain Piett
— Kenny Baker ar R2-D2
— Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker
— Tim Rose as Admiral Ackbar
Relic Cards: Ewok Fur (1:87 packs; used to create)
ER-1 Wicket W. Warrick Return of the Jedi
ER-2 Teebo Return of the Jedi
ER-3 Logray Return of the Jedi
ER-4 Widdle Warrick Return of the Jedi
ER-5 Ewok [gray collar; white face] Return of the Jedi
ER-6 Ewok [orange scarf] Return of the Jedi
ER-7 Ewok [gray robe; light face] Return of the Jedi
ER-8 Ewok [gray robe; dark face] Return of the Jedi
Relic Cards: Jabba the Hutt’s Sail Barge (1:367 packs; used for filming)
JR-1 Luke Skywalker Return of the Jedi
JR-2 Leia Organa Return of the Jedi
JR-3 Boba Fett Return of the Jedi
JR-4 Nysad (Nikto Gunner) Return of the Jedi
JR-5 R2-D2 Return of the Jedi
Relic Cards: Wookiee Hair (1:648 packs; used for filming)
CR-1 Chewbacca [growl] A New Hope
CR-2 Chewbacca [right profile) A New Hope
CR-3 Chewbacca [at console] A New Hope
CR-4 Chewbacca [left profile] A New Hope
Film Cel Relic Cards
Film Cel Single Relics (1:24 packs)
FR-1 (Luke beneath twin suns)
FR-2 (Luke lightsaber training)
FR-3 (Vader lightsaber duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi)
FR-4 (Vader interrogates Leia)
FR-5 (Luke’s Death Star attack run)
FR-6 (Vader boards Tantive IV)
FR-7 (Luke rescues Leia)
FR-8 (Luke meets up with Biggs)
FR-9 (Vader chokes Motti)
FR-10 (Luke observes torched homestead)
FR-11 (Luke crash lands)
FR-12 (Vader confers with holographic Emperor)
FR-13 (Luke trains with Yoda)
FR-14 (Yoda and Obi-Wan urge Luke to stay)
FR-15 (Luke imprisoned by Wampa ice monster)
FR-16 (Vader storms Echo Base)
FR-17 (Luke’s mechanical hand)
FR-18 (Vader prepares Han to be frozen)
FR-19 (Vader recruiters bounty hunters)
FR-20 (Vader in meditation chamber)
FR-21 (Vader patrols deck of Executor)
FR-22 (Luke battles the Rancor monster)
FR-23 (Luke returns to Yoda)
FR-24 (Luke speaks to Ben’s spirit)
FR-25 (Vader greets the Emperor)
FR-26 (Luke arrives at Jabba’s palace)
FR-27 (Vader arrives on second Death Star)
FR-28 (Vader’s mask is removed)
FR-29 (Luke takes on an Imperial speeder bike)
FR-30 (Luke burns Vader’s armor)
Film Cel Double Relics (1:169 packs)
DFR-1 (Vader reveals the truth)
DFR-2 (Luke and Vader face off)
DFR-3 (Luke and Vader communicate)
DFR-4 (Luke surrenders on Endor)
DFR-5 (final duel)
DFR-6 (Luke and Vader)
Film Cel Triple Relics (1:169 packs)
TFR-1 Luke Skywalker [cantina, pods, Gamorrean]
TFR-2 Luke Skywalker [Leia, corner]
TFR-3 Luke Skywalker [Luke, Emperor]
TFR-4 Luke Skywalker [in desert, piloting]
TFR-5 Luke Skywalker [white robe, speeder]
TFR-6 Darth Vader [two views; tan]
TFR-7 Darth Vader [two views; black]
TFR-8 Darth Vader [two views; red, black]
TFR-9 Darth Vader [choking Motti, holding saber]
TFR-10 Darth Vader [lightsaber, smoke]
Printing Plate Cards (1:1175 packs; cyan, yellow, magenta, black)
— (base cards, 1:2211 packs)
— (Connections, 1:7084 packs)
— (Influencers, 1:7084 packs)
— (Circle, 1:8592 packs)
1A Clandestine Birth Born into Slavery
2A Fatherless as a Child Never Knew Who His Father Was
3A Tatooine Anakin Sought a Better Life
4A Isolation in Youth A Boy Alone
5A Befriending a Droid Met and Befriended R2
6A Death of a Guardian Death of Shmi
7A Technical Ability Builds Podracer and C-3PO
8A Daredevil Abilities Competes in the Boonta Eve Classic
9A Fantastic Adventure Leaves Tatooine to Become a Jedi Knight
10A Introduction to Royalty Meets Queen Amidala
11A A Royal Rescue Thwarts Assassination Attempt on Amidala
12A Death of a Mentor Death of Qui-Gon Jinn
13A Late Jedi Training Guidance of Obi-Wan
14A Act of Extreme Bravery Destroys Droid Control Ship
15A Celebration of Heroism Naboo Ceremony
16A Pilot Squad Leader Clone Pilot Squads
17A Clever Thinking in the Heart of Battle Instructs Clone Pilots to Shoot Fuel Cell
18A Too Old to Train Jedi Council Dismisses His Training
19A Truncated Trial Appointed to the Jedi Council Very Early
20A Fear of Potential Obi-Wan Tries to Pace Anakin’s Training
21A Temptation of the Dark Side Attacks Tusken Raider Camp
22A A Dark Premonition Sisions on Mortis
23A A Life-Changing Disregard of Advisement Leaves Tatooine for Geonosis
24A To the Distress of Dear Friends Goes to Geonosis
25A Trial by Fett Captured by Jango Fett
26A Springing the Trap Trapped by Grievous
27A In the Lair of Scum and Villainy Searches the Coruscant Bar
28A Challenge of a Fallen Jedi Duels Count Dooku
29A Loss of a Powerful Dark Opponent Defeated by Count Dooku
30A Dismemberment Dismembered by Dooku
31A Mechanical Limb Mechanical Arm
32A A Daring Rescue Rescues Chancellor Palpatine
33A A Difficult Truth Learns His Mentor Is a Sith Lord
34A The Jabba Factor Jabba Is an Ally
35A Wrath of a Great Beast Battles the Reek
36A Proposition of Palpatine Palpatine Tries to Convert
37A A Civil Confrontation Turns Luke Over to the Emperor
38A Fear for a Loved One Fears for His Wife, Padm
39A The Moment of Truth Follows Palpatine to the Dark Side
40A A Galaxy at War Fights to Preserve the Republic/Empire
41A Battle through Blood Battles His Son
42A Dark Urging of the Emperor Attacks Mace Windu
43A Moment of Clarity Saves His Son from the Wrath of the Emperor
44A Together We Conquer With His Son, He Destroys Palpatine
45A Balance Is Achieved He Brings Balance to the Force
1L Clandestine Birth Born on Polis Massa
2L Fatherless as a Child Didn’t Know the Truth about His Father
3L Tatooine Luke Sought Adventure
4L Isolation in Youth Lived out away from Civilization
5L Befriending a Droid Met and Befriended R2
6L Death of a Guardian Death of Owen and Beru Lars
7L Technical Ability Mods His T-16 and Fixes Farm Equipment
8L Daredevil Abilities Threads the Stone Needle in Beggar’s Canyon
9L Fantastic Adventure Leaves Tatooine for Alderaan
10L Introduction to Royalty Meets Princess Leia Organa
11L A Royal Rescue Rescues Princess Leia on the Death Star
12L Death of a Mentor Death of Obi-Wan Kenobi
13L Late Jedi Training Trains with Yoda
14L Act of Extreme Bravery Destroys Death Star
15L Celebration of Heroism Yavin Ceremony
16L Pilot Squad Leader Establishes ahnd Leads Rogue Squadron
17L Clever Thinking in the Heart of Battle Destroys AT-AT- Using Grenade
18L Too Old to Train Yoda Trains on the Heeding of Obi-Wan
19L Truncated Trial Reaches Jedi Status Very Quickly
20L Fear of Potential Uncle Owen Keeps Luke on Tatooine
21L Temptation of the Dark Side Brings Weapons into Cave
22L A Dark Premonition The Cave
23L A Life-Changing Disregard of Advisement Leaves Dagobah
24L To the Distress of Dear Friends Heads to Bespin
25L Trial by Fett Attacked by Boba Fett
26L Springing the Trap Trapped by Darth Vader
27L In the Lair of Scum and Villainy Luke Enters the Mos Eisley Cantina
28L Challenge of a Fallen Jedi Duels Darth Vader
29L Loss of a Powerful Dark Opponent Defeated by Darth Vader
30L Dismemberment Dismembered by Vader
31L Mechanical Limb Mechanical Hand
32L A Daring Rescue Rescues Han Solo
33L A Difficult Truth Learns Darth Vader Is His Father
34L The Jabba Factor Jabba Is an Enemy
35L Wrath of a Great Beast Battles the Rancor
36L Proposition of Palpatine Palpatine Tries to Convert
37L A Civil Confrontation Surrenders to Darth Vader
38L Fear for a Loved One Fears for His Sister Leia
39L The Moment of Truth Rejects the Emperor
40L A Galaxy at War Fights to Overthrow the Empire
41L Battle through Blood Battles His Father
42L Dark Urging of the Emperor Embraces Anger to Defeat Darth Vader
43L Moment of Clarity Keeps Himself from Destroying Vader
44L Together We Conquer With His Father, He Destroys Palpatine
45L Balance Is Achieved Helps Bring Balance to the Force
1A Clandestine Birth Born into Slavery
2A Fatherless as a Child Never Knew Who His Father Was
3A Tatooine Anakin Sought a Better Life
4A Isolation in Youth A Boy Alone
5A Befriending a Droid Met and Befriended R2
6A Death of a Guardian Death of Shmi
7A Technical Ability Builds Podracer and C-3PO
8A Daredevil Abilities Competes in the Boonta Eve Classic
9A Fantastic Adventure Leaves Tatooine to Become a Jedi Knight
10A Introduction to Royalty Meets Queen Amidala
11A A Royal Rescue Thwarts Assassination Attempt on Amidala
12A Death of a Mentor Death of Qui-Gon Jinn
13A Late Jedi Training Guidance of Obi-Wan
14A Act of Extreme Bravery Destroys Droid Control Ship
15A Celebration of Heroism Naboo Ceremony
16A Pilot Squad Leader Clone Pilot Squads
17A Clever Thinking in the Heart of Battle Instructs Clone Pilots to Shoot Fuel Cell
18A Too Old to Train Jedi Council Dismisses His Training
19A Truncated Trial Appointed to the Jedi Council Very Early
20A Fear of Potential Obi-Wan Tries to Pace Anakin’s Training
21A Temptation of the Dark Side Attacks Tusken Raider Camp
22A A Dark Premonition Sisions on Mortis
23A A Life-Changing Disregard of Advisement Leaves Tatooine for Geonosis
24A To the Distress of Dear Friends Goes to Geonosis
25A Trial by Fett Captured by Jango Fett
26A Springing the Trap Trapped by Grievous
27A In the Lair of Scum and Villainy Searches the Coruscant Bar
28A Challenge of a Fallen Jedi Duels Count Dooku
29A Loss of a Powerful Dark Opponent Defeated by Count Dooku
30A Dismemberment Dismembered by Dooku
31A Mechanical Limb Mechanical Arm
32A A Daring Rescue Rescues Chancellor Palpatine
33A A Difficult Truth Learns His Mentor Is a Sith Lord
34A The Jabba Factor Jabba Is an Ally
35A Wrath of a Great Beast Battles the Reek
36A Proposition of Palpatine Palpatine Tries to Convert
37A A Civil Confrontation Turns Luke Over to the Emperor
38A Fear for a Loved One Fears for His Wife, Padm
39A The Moment of Truth Follows Palpatine to the Dark Side
40A A Galaxy at War Fights to Preserve the Republic/Empire
41A Battle through Blood Battles His Son
42A Dark Urging of the Emperor Attacks Mace Windu
43A Moment of Clarity Saves His Son from the Wrath of the Emperor
44A Together We Conquer With His Son, He Destroys Palpatine
45A Balance Is Achieved He Brings Balance to the Force
1L Clandestine Birth Born on Polis Massa
2L Fatherless as a Child Didn’t Know the Truth about His Father
3L Tatooine Luke Sought Adventure
4L Isolation in Youth Lived out away from Civilization
5L Befriending a Droid Met and Befriended R2
6L Death of a Guardian Death of Owen and Beru Lars
7L Technical Ability Mods His T-16 and Fixes Farm Equipment
8L Daredevil Abilities Threads the Stone Needle in Beggar’s Canyon
9L Fantastic Adventure Leaves Tatooine for Alderaan
10L Introduction to Royalty Meets Princess Leia Organa
11L A Royal Rescue Rescues Princess Leia on the Death Star
12L Death of a Mentor Death of Obi-Wan Kenobi
13L Late Jedi Training Trains with Yoda
14L Act of Extreme Bravery Destroys Death Star
15L Celebration of Heroism Yavin Ceremony
16L Pilot Squad Leader Establishes ahnd Leads Rogue Squadron
17L Clever Thinking in the Heart of Battle Destroys AT-AT- Using Grenade
18L Too Old to Train Yoda Trains on the Heeding of Obi-Wan
19L Truncated Trial Reaches Jedi Status Very Quickly
20L Fear of Potential Uncle Owen Keeps Luke on Tatooine
21L Temptation of the Dark Side Brings Weapons into Cave
22L A Dark Premonition The Cave
23L A Life-Changing Disregard of Advisement Leaves Dagobah
24L To the Distress of Dear Friends Heads to Bespin
25L Trial by Fett Attacked by Boba Fett
26L Springing the Trap Trapped by Darth Vader
27L In the Lair of Scum and Villainy Luke Enters the Mos Eisley Cantina
28L Challenge of a Fallen Jedi Duels Darth Vader
29L Loss of a Powerful Dark Opponent Defeated by Darth Vader
30L Dismemberment Dismembered by Vader
31L Mechanical Limb Mechanical Hand
32L A Daring Rescue Rescues Han Solo
33L A Difficult Truth Learns Darth Vader Is His Father
34L The Jabba Factor Jabba Is an Enemy
35L Wrath of a Great Beast Battles the Rancor
36L Proposition of Palpatine Palpatine Tries to Convert
37L A Civil Confrontation Surrenders to Darth Vader
38L Fear for a Loved One Fears for His Sister Leia
39L The Moment of Truth Rejects the Emperor
40L A Galaxy at War Fights to Overthrow the Empire
41L Battle through Blood Battles His Father
42L Dark Urging of the Emperor Embraces Anger to Defeat Darth Vader
43L Moment of Clarity Keeps Himself from Destroying Vader
44L Together We Conquer With His Father, He Destroys Palpatine
45L Balance Is Achieved Helps Bring Balance to the Force
1A Clandestine Birth Born into Slavery
2A Fatherless as a Child Never Knew Who His Father Was
3A Tatooine Anakin Sought a Better Life
4A Isolation in Youth A Boy Alone
5A Befriending a Droid Met and Befriended R2
6A Death of a Guardian Death of Shmi
7A Technical Ability Builds Podracer and C-3PO
8A Daredevil Abilities Competes in the Boonta Eve Classic
9A Fantastic Adventure Leaves Tatooine to Become a Jedi Knight
10A Introduction to Royalty Meets Queen Amidala
11A A Royal Rescue Thwarts Assassination Attempt on Amidala
12A Death of a Mentor Death of Qui-Gon Jinn
13A Late Jedi Training Guidance of Obi-Wan
14A Act of Extreme Bravery Destroys Droid Control Ship
15A Celebration of Heroism Naboo Ceremony
16A Pilot Squad Leader Clone Pilot Squads
17A Clever Thinking in the Heart of Battle Instructs Clone Pilots to Shoot Fuel Cell
18A Too Old to Train Jedi Council Dismisses His Training
19A Truncated Trial Appointed to the Jedi Council Very Early
20A Fear of Potential Obi-Wan Tries to Pace Anakin’s Training
21A Temptation of the Dark Side Attacks Tusken Raider Camp
22A A Dark Premonition Sisions on Mortis
23A A Life-Changing Disregard of Advisement Leaves Tatooine for Geonosis
24A To the Distress of Dear Friends Goes to Geonosis
25A Trial by Fett Captured by Jango Fett
26A Springing the Trap Trapped by Grievous
27A In the Lair of Scum and Villainy Searches the Coruscant Bar
28A Challenge of a Fallen Jedi Duels Count Dooku
29A Loss of a Powerful Dark Opponent Defeated by Count Dooku
30A Dismemberment Dismembered by Dooku
31A Mechanical Limb Mechanical Arm
32A A Daring Rescue Rescues Chancellor Palpatine
33A A Difficult Truth Learns His Mentor Is a Sith Lord
34A The Jabba Factor Jabba Is an Ally
35A Wrath of a Great Beast Battles the Reek
36A Proposition of Palpatine Palpatine Tries to Convert
37A A Civil Confrontation Turns Luke Over to the Emperor
38A Fear for a Loved One Fears for His Wife, Padm
39A The Moment of Truth Follows Palpatine to the Dark Side
40A A Galaxy at War Fights to Preserve the Republic/Empire
41A Battle through Blood Battles His Son
42A Dark Urging of the Emperor Attacks Mace Windu
43A Moment of Clarity Saves His Son from the Wrath of the Emperor
44A Together We Conquer With His Son, He Destroys Palpatine
45A Balance Is Achieved He Brings Balance to the Force
1L Clandestine Birth Born on Polis Massa
2L Fatherless as a Child Didn’t Know the Truth about His Father
3L Tatooine Luke Sought Adventure
4L Isolation in Youth Lived out away from Civilization
5L Befriending a Droid Met and Befriended R2
6L Death of a Guardian Death of Owen and Beru Lars
7L Technical Ability Mods His T-16 and Fixes Farm Equipment
8L Daredevil Abilities Threads the Stone Needle in Beggar’s Canyon
9L Fantastic Adventure Leaves Tatooine for Alderaan
10L Introduction to Royalty Meets Princess Leia Organa
11L A Royal Rescue Rescues Princess Leia on the Death Star
12L Death of a Mentor Death of Obi-Wan Kenobi
13L Late Jedi Training Trains with Yoda
14L Act of Extreme Bravery Destroys Death Star
15L Celebration of Heroism Yavin Ceremony
16L Pilot Squad Leader Establishes ahnd Leads Rogue Squadron
17L Clever Thinking in the Heart of Battle Destroys AT-AT- Using Grenade
18L Too Old to Train Yoda Trains on the Heeding of Obi-Wan
19L Truncated Trial Reaches Jedi Status Very Quickly
20L Fear of Potential Uncle Owen Keeps Luke on Tatooine
21L Temptation of the Dark Side Brings Weapons into Cave
22L A Dark Premonition The Cave
23L A Life-Changing Disregard of Advisement Leaves Dagobah
24L To the Distress of Dear Friends Heads to Bespin
25L Trial by Fett Attacked by Boba Fett
26L Springing the Trap Trapped by Darth Vader
27L In the Lair of Scum and Villainy Luke Enters the Mos Eisley Cantina
28L Challenge of a Fallen Jedi Duels Darth Vader
29L Loss of a Powerful Dark Opponent Defeated by Darth Vader
30L Dismemberment Dismembered by Vader
31L Mechanical Limb Mechanical Hand
32L A Daring Rescue Rescues Han Solo
33L A Difficult Truth Learns Darth Vader Is His Father
34L The Jabba Factor Jabba Is an Enemy
35L Wrath of a Great Beast Battles the Rancor
36L Proposition of Palpatine Palpatine Tries to Convert
37L A Civil Confrontation Surrenders to Darth Vader
38L Fear for a Loved One Fears for His Sister Leia
39L The Moment of Truth Rejects the Emperor
40L A Galaxy at War Fights to Overthrow the Empire
41L Battle through Blood Battles His Father
42L Dark Urging of the Emperor Embraces Anger to Defeat Darth Vader
43L Moment of Clarity Keeps Himself from Destroying Vader
44L Together We Conquer With His Father, He Destroys Palpatine
45L Balance Is Achieved Helps Bring Balance to the Force
GOLD FOIL PARALLEL BASE CARDS (1:470 packs; limited to 10 each)
1A Clandestine Birth Born into Slavery
2A Fatherless as a Child Never Knew Who His Father Was
3A Tatooine Anakin Sought a Better Life
4A Isolation in Youth A Boy Alone
5A Befriending a Droid Met and Befriended R2
6A Death of a Guardian Death of Shmi
7A Technical Ability Builds Podracer and C-3PO
8A Daredevil Abilities Competes in the Boonta Eve Classic
9A Fantastic Adventure Leaves Tatooine to Become a Jedi Knight
10A Introduction to Royalty Meets Queen Amidala
11A A Royal Rescue Thwarts Assassination Attempt on Amidala
12A Death of a Mentor Death of Qui-Gon Jinn
13A Late Jedi Training Guidance of Obi-Wan
14A Act of Extreme Bravery Destroys Droid Control Ship
15A Celebration of Heroism Naboo Ceremony
16A Pilot Squad Leader Clone Pilot Squads
17A Clever Thinking in the Heart of Battle Instructs Clone Pilots to Shoot Fuel Cell
18A Too Old to Train Jedi Council Dismisses His Training
19A Truncated Trial Appointed to the Jedi Council Very Early
20A Fear of Potential Obi-Wan Tries to Pace Anakin’s Training
21A Temptation of the Dark Side Attacks Tusken Raider Camp
22A A Dark Premonition Sisions on Mortis
23A A Life-Changing Disregard of Advisement Leaves Tatooine for Geonosis
24A To the Distress of Dear Friends Goes to Geonosis
25A Trial by Fett Captured by Jango Fett
26A Springing the Trap Trapped by Grievous
27A In the Lair of Scum and Villainy Searches the Coruscant Bar
28A Challenge of a Fallen Jedi Duels Count Dooku
29A Loss of a Powerful Dark Opponent Defeated by Count Dooku
30A Dismemberment Dismembered by Dooku
31A Mechanical Limb Mechanical Arm
32A A Daring Rescue Rescues Chancellor Palpatine
33A A Difficult Truth Learns His Mentor Is a Sith Lord
34A The Jabba Factor Jabba Is an Ally
35A Wrath of a Great Beast Battles the Reek
36A Proposition of Palpatine Palpatine Tries to Convert
37A A Civil Confrontation Turns Luke Over to the Emperor
38A Fear for a Loved One Fears for His Wife, Padm
39A The Moment of Truth Follows Palpatine to the Dark Side
40A A Galaxy at War Fights to Preserve the Republic/Empire
41A Battle through Blood Battles His Son
42A Dark Urging of the Emperor Attacks Mace Windu
43A Moment of Clarity Saves His Son from the Wrath of the Emperor
44A Together We Conquer With His Son, He Destroys Palpatine
45A Balance Is Achieved He Brings Balance to the Force
1L Clandestine Birth Born on Polis Massa
2L Fatherless as a Child Didn’t Know the Truth about His Father
3L Tatooine Luke Sought Adventure
4L Isolation in Youth Lived out away from Civilization
5L Befriending a Droid Met and Befriended R2
6L Death of a Guardian Death of Owen and Beru Lars
7L Technical Ability Mods His T-16 and Fixes Farm Equipment
8L Daredevil Abilities Threads the Stone Needle in Beggar’s Canyon
9L Fantastic Adventure Leaves Tatooine for Alderaan
10L Introduction to Royalty Meets Princess Leia Organa
11L A Royal Rescue Rescues Princess Leia on the Death Star
12L Death of a Mentor Death of Obi-Wan Kenobi
13L Late Jedi Training Trains with Yoda
14L Act of Extreme Bravery Destroys Death Star
15L Celebration of Heroism Yavin Ceremony
16L Pilot Squad Leader Establishes ahnd Leads Rogue Squadron
17L Clever Thinking in the Heart of Battle Destroys AT-AT- Using Grenade
18L Too Old to Train Yoda Trains on the Heeding of Obi-Wan
19L Truncated Trial Reaches Jedi Status Very Quickly
20L Fear of Potential Uncle Owen Keeps Luke on Tatooine
21L Temptation of the Dark Side Brings Weapons into Cave
22L A Dark Premonition The Cave
23L A Life-Changing Disregard of Advisement Leaves Dagobah
24L To the Distress of Dear Friends Heads to Bespin
25L Trial by Fett Attacked by Boba Fett
26L Springing the Trap Trapped by Darth Vader
27L In the Lair of Scum and Villainy Luke Enters the Mos Eisley Cantina
28L Challenge of a Fallen Jedi Duels Darth Vader
29L Loss of a Powerful Dark Opponent Defeated by Darth Vader
30L Dismemberment Dismembered by Vader
31L Mechanical Limb Mechanical Hand
32L A Daring Rescue Rescues Han Solo
33L A Difficult Truth Learns Darth Vader Is His Father
34L The Jabba Factor Jabba Is an Enemy
35L Wrath of a Great Beast Battles the Rancor
36L Proposition of Palpatine Palpatine Tries to Convert
37L A Civil Confrontation Surrenders to Darth Vader
38L Fear for a Loved One Fears for His Sister Leia
39L The Moment of Truth Rejects the Emperor
40L A Galaxy at War Fights to Overthrow the Empire
41L Battle through Blood Battles His Father
42L Dark Urging of the Emperor Embraces Anger to Defeat Darth Vader
43L Moment of Clarity Keeps Himself from Destroying Vader
44L Together We Conquer With His Father, He Destroys Palpatine
45L Balance Is Achieved Helps Bring Balance to the Force